Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Day in the Life

Starting school in a great mood!
I'm linking up with Heart of the Matter's Not Back to School Blog Hop again this week.  The theme is A Day in the Life, so here's our daily schedule (or at least what I hope it will be).

6:30  Kids get up and play
7:00  I get up (I got to sleep until 8 today though, yeah!)
7:30  Breakfast and I read my bible reading for the day
8:00  Kids play while I check email, blogs, etc.
8:30  Kids watch a movie while I take a shower, get ready, and clean (we use the table for school, so it has to be clean)
9:30  Start school with morning board (above photo), then on to our kindergarten curriculum, My Father's World.  We are learning about the Sun and the letter S.  (See pictures below)

Coloring and cutting our picture cards for the letter S.
Tactile activity: drawing the letter S in salt.
Cuisinaire Rods didn't go so well, you can see Rebekah starting to have a fit.
Just to keep it real, this is how we ended school today, screaming kids in time outs on separate couches.
11:00  Lunch
11:30  Free play, errands, visit the library, park, meet friends, etc.
1:00  Nap time (sometimes this is later)
4:00  Kids wake up (sometimes this is earlier)
5:00  Dinner, then whatever we have planned for the evening
8:30  Bed time (well, usually closer to 9)
10:00  Bed time for mommy and daddy


  1. Thank you for posting your day! We've just started pre-k more officially (still not super structured, but getting closer to kinder, I wanted a LITTLE structure to our learning). I plan to do MFW Kinder, so reading your post about using it is awesome! And seeing your schedule written out makes me feel I'm doing okay with our schedule, too. :)

  2. Uh, oh! Some days go smoothly, and some days...not so much! It looks like a fun day in spite of the tears and time-outs!

    My kids are older than yours, but they still like tactile writing (we often use cornmeal in a baking sheet.) We're using it for cursive practice now!

    Have a wonderful year learning together! :)

  3. I just stumbled on your blog from the MFW message board. I had to reply, and laugh, when I read this post as our days seem to be VERY similar, right down to the time-outs! My children are 5, 3, and almost 2. We'll start MFW1 in July and I wish we had found it for K. Blessings to you as you continue the journey!


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