We've continued on with Abraham's family, covering his almost sacrifice of Isaac, Isaac marrying Rebekah, the birth of Esau and Jacob, and then Jacob deceiving his father (Genesis 22-27). The kids each wrote a summary of Abraham and Isaac, Caleb's is on top, Rebekah's is below.
We didn't do a lot with ancient Egypt this week, but we are still reading The Cat of Bubastes by G. A. Henty and are loving it!
For science, this week was about how the human eye sees, and also about reflection and absorption of light. Above is Caleb's science notebook where he drew pictures of the experiments.
All our other subjects were just normal as usual. Caleb has been doing much better at writing, and not having fits about it, which I am very thankful for.
Thanks for sharing your week, friend :) I always love seeing what you guys are up to, and am happy Caleb is enjoying writing a little more.