
Monday, May 21, 2018

Large Family Homeschool Schedule

How do you do it?  This is a common question I hear when people find out I have 6 kids and I homeschool them.  I thought I would share our homeschool schedule today.  Currently, I am teaching 6th, 4th and 1st grades, while I also have 3 boys that are 4, 2 and 6 months.  I need to preface this by saying that these times are not fixed, we are VERY flexible around here!  Here's our current schedule:

6:30  Kids wake up and make their own breakfast (older help the younger)
7:30  Mom wakes up (Yep, I'm the last one up!)
9:30  The 6th and 4th grader start working on their independent notebooks (Brush teeth, read bible, bible memorization, handwriting, spelling, math facts, book basket, any other worksheets they can do themselves.)
9:30  I teach 1st grade while the 4 and 2 year olds make a mess and distract us...
11:00  Lunch and Free time (or finish notebook)
1:30  Nap time for the 2 year old
1:45  Nap time for the 4 year old
1:45  Snack
2:00  6th and 4th grade time with mom: bible, history, science, math, english, art, etc.  (We go from one subject to the next with no breaks, so we can get a lot done in this time.)
4:00-5:00  Finished with school

I recently filmed a Day in the Life video in which I share about our schedule and show my son's notebook.  Click on the video below to watch.