
Thursday, August 9, 2012

First Day of First Grade (and Preschool)

Wow, they are growing too fast!  We started first grade and preschool this past Monday, and are enjoying it.  I was expecting much more resistance to our new schedule, but I have been pleasantly surprised.  Even our new chore time is going fairly well (although not perfect).  We started our day with listening to a Hymn.  We watched a YouTube video of the hymn, This is my Father's World.  This hymn was familiar to them from last year, so I thought it would be a good starting point.  Below is them watching and singing to it.

And of course, as soon as it was time to start school, Mr. Joshua thought it was time to eat, so he had carrots and then watched us from his high chair.

Here is Caleb doing his calendar book.  I found most of the pages for it on Mama Jenn's blog, I highly recommend checking her site out. 

Playing with the pattern blocks for math time.


I must have forgotten to take pictures of them actually doing their main parts of school.  My mother in law decided to visit us the first day too, so she took Rebekah and Joshua for a walk while I worked with Caleb, which was nice.  Below is a picture of Caleb playing with our educational, school only toys, and Joshua eying up Caleb's foot!  That tote gets stored under the coffee table, and only comes out during school time.  It's meant to keep one child busy while I work with the other one.  I also have a smaller tote of other educational toys so that I can rotate a few of them to prevent boredom. 

I'll try my best to post once a week with our highlights from the week, and I'm still following the Not back to school blog hop.  Next week's topic is our home school area, so come back Monday to see how all our stuff is organized.


  1. What cute, cute pictures! Wishing you the best in this new school year! :)

  2. Great idea with the tote. Cute kids, love the pictures. That was nice of your mum in love to come and help. Have an excellent year!

  3. The tote idea is awesome!

    This is a silly question, but I saw a blue board with pegs in your tote. What on earth is it for? I've seen them in classrooms that I've worked in and I've never been able to figure out what they were for.

    1. It's called a peg board. It can be used for fine motor skills (just putting the pegs in), following oral directions as you tell them which one to put in, color sorting, matching and patterns. Or my kids usually just play with making fun designs with the pegs, or they stack them and make swords...
