
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Gingerbread Houses 2012

Our family makes ginger bread houses every Christmas, it's become our tradition, and this year they expanded!  We used cardboard covered in white freezer paper this year, instead of the normal paper plates, so that meant we got to make gardens (or an abominable snow man)!  Our candy selection seemed to increase this year too!  (Click here to see last year, or here for the year before that, or here to get the recipe I use.)

This was Joshua's first Christmas!  And he already loves our gingerbread house tradition!  He didn't quite understand how to put the cereal on his house, but he did understand how to take it off and eat it!  He loved the frosting!


I love this tradition so much because it's usually two hours of family time, we get to be creative, and we get to eat lots of candy!  It doesn't get much better!

Below is Rebekah's finished house.

This one is daddy's.  See the abominable snow man!

Here's Caleb's.  He made some serious candy gardens!

And here's mine, complete with green sugar grass!

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas.  Now I wish you a Happy New Year!  May God bless you greatly in 2013!

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