The highlight of our first week was our Sabbath feast. We have done a Sabbath feast a few times during our first grade year, but this year we added more of the traditions after reading about them in the book,Celebrating Biblical Feasts: In Your Home or Church
To prepare for our feast, the kids made Challah bread covers. I bought a yard of muslin fabric at Walmart for $1.99 and cut it in quarters. I already had some fabric markers, which they used to draw a scene celebrating the feast or creation. They turned beautifully.
Caleb's was the seven days of creation.
This one is Rebekah's. She drew Jesus between two Sabbath candles. Rebekah also made a spice box for us, which you can see in the middle of the table in the first picture.
Joshua was very proud of his flowers, grass, and sky.
All the kids cleaned up the main part of our house and helped to make dinner. Rebekah helped braid the Challah bread. Here they are waiting for daddy to finish the venison steak. We had only two loaves of Challah bread, so Joshua's cover is covering the green beans (his choice). To make the Challah, I used the bread maker to make the dough and then baked it in the oven. I found the recipe in my bread machine manual.
Once the food was ready, I lit the candles and we prayed the prayers from our book. Daddy also blessed each child, and then me. Then Caleb passed around a bowl to wash our hands in, and Rebekah came behind him with a towel.
We prayed over the wine (grape juice) and the bread as we took the first sip and bite.
Then we ate! Our menu wasn't exactly traditional. We had venison steak, garlic mashed potatoes, green beans, corn on the cob, and the Challah bread with grape juice to drink. It was delicious!
Daddy declared no media for the rest of the night, so we had fun blowing bubbles in the living room.
The next day we had a family day that started with a local parade.
Matthew was so cute! He learned really quick to wave so they would throw him candy!
Have you ever celebrated the Sabbath? I highly recommend it. It's a great way to have special time with your family while also teaching them about principles in the bible. I'd love to hear about your celebrations in the comments.
That's Awesome! We have been learning more about God's Holy days and have slowly been making then apart of our life's. Since we don't celebrate Christmas(although we do celebrate Jesus Birth everyday) or Easter(But we do believe in His resurrection), it's nice to have some traditions to pass along that come straight out of the scriptures and teach us of what was, what is, and even future prophecy. Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed reading and seeing the pictures :-) Sabbath for us is everyday because everyday we strive to rest from the works of our flesh :-) Although I love creating order around my week to prepare for sabbath :-)