We enjoyed our time in India! Here are pictures of our Indian feast. The kids helped me make Chapatis, and I also made basmati rice, chicken curry, some veggies, and golden raisins. I was surprised that Caleb loved the curry. I thought it was really good too, and so did Kevin and Matthew. Unfortunately, Rebekah didn't like it, but she's difficult to please. None of us liked the bread either...
Here are their notebook pages about India. We also read a lot of books and watched a few documentaries, including one about climbing Mt. Everest (Nepal) that was very interesting.
We loved reading a missionary story about Amy Carmichael!
Our science focused on mountains. They made a mountain model out of newspaper and masking tape. They labeled and decorated each layer of the mountain. I gave them a list of about 10 things I wanted them to include, such as tundra, tree line, snow line, elephants, mountain goats, etc.
We also covered a page in our science book, The Usborne Living World Encyclopedia
I spent some time reading about a writing program called Writing with Ease. I decided to purchase the e-book for level 1 and start working through it with Caleb to help his writing. It describes copywork and narration wonderfully. However, I'm having a hard time fitting it in! Maybe we can do a bit more over the summer. I also plan on having both Caleb and Rebekah learn cursive over the summer. I thought the extra handwriting would overwhelm Caleb during the school year.
Rebekah has been amazing me with her reading. She finished her first chapter book!
She has been plugging away at her bible notebook, here are a few pages:
I hope you'll stop by again. Next stop, China!