The second week of school and we're still going strong. Don't they all look like they're working hard? In case you think everything is always perfect, this is what Matthew was doing. No, he is not supposed to be able to open that tote!
For bible and history time, we learned about Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Noah and the ark. They made their own notebook pages to go with the story of Cain and Abel. Rebekah's is the first one.
After reading about Noah, we went outside to measure 300 cubits. We had a 10 cubit string, and marked the road every 10 cubits until we got to 300. I am standing at one end, and my children are standing at the other end. Can you see them? Noah's ark was BIG! We also read a lot from our Dinosaurs of Eden book, which I really like.

We are enjoying Science in the Beginning this year. The experiments are simple for me, but the kids are excited to always do one! We've been in the dark bathroom with our flashlights, mirrors, and colored paper this week as we learned about different aspects of light and energy. I printed these notebook pages from the MFW Creation to the Greeks facebook page.
A new thing this year is English from the Roots up. I wasn't sure how Caleb and Rebekah would like it, but it has gone over very well. I'm even learning new words!
The first read aloud for the year is The Tanglewoods Secret by Patricia St. John. So far, we think it's a really good book!
I forgot to show everyone our new white board area when I posted about Our Homeschool Space. I moved our wedding picture and replaced it with a whiteboard I found at a thrift store. Then I hung a little bucket from the Target dollar spot on the nail that used to hold our picture! The bucket is working out very well. It is filled with dry erase markers and kleenex's (our erasers). Next to the white board, I taped our memory verse to the wall.
Our second week of school has gone much better than I expected! Thanks for stopping by.
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