Monday, May 7, 2012

New Lamp & Shelf in Craft Area

I've been cleaning and trying to organize my craft area in the basement.  I found this super cute lamp at Walmart.  I really needed some more light down there!  (The stuff stashed in the corner is for future projects!)

This shelf used to be in Rebekah's nursery, but I never put anything on it!  I considered giving it away, but I think it will be good to store little crafty things on.  I'm sure I'll find more things to put on it!

Here's a view of my whole area. 

And here is my stash of jeans and other clothes that I'm saving to use as fabric.  That pile was much bigger before I made my picnic blanket.  I have plans for that diaper box too!

Look at Joshua now!  He loves to chew on his fingers, all day long!!!


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